Hearing Aid Maintenance 101: Tips for Prolonging the Life of Your Device

Hearing Aid Maintenance 101: Tips for Prolonging the Life of Your Device

Dr. John Martinetti
July 15, 2024
8 minute read

Investing in hearing aids is a significant step towards improving your quality of life. These sophisticated devices are designed to enhance your hearing experience, but like any technology, they require proper care and maintenance to function optimally and last longer. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore essential tips and best practices for maintaining your hearing aids, ensuring they continue to serve you well for years to come.

The Crucial Role of Proper Hearing Aid Care

At Port Jefferson Hearing, we understand that your hearing aids are more than just devices - they're your gateway to clear communication and an enhanced quality of life. That's why we emphasize the importance of proper maintenance for your hearing aids. Here's why it matters:

  1. Optimal Performance: Well-maintained hearing aids deliver clearer sound and more precise amplification, ensuring you don't miss a beat in your daily conversations.
  2. Extended Lifespan: Regular care significantly prolongs the life of your hearing aids, protecting your investment and ensuring consistent performance over time.
  3. Ear Health: Keeping your hearing aids clean prevents the buildup of earwax and bacteria, promoting better overall ear health.
  4. Cost-Effective: Good maintenance habits reduce the need for repairs and replacements, saving you money in the long run.

Daily Care Routine

Dr. John Martinetti, our Board Certified Audiologist, recommends establishing a daily cleaning routine:

  1. End-of-Day Cleaning: Clean your hearing aids each evening before bed. This allows any accumulated moisture to evaporate overnight.
  2. Gentle Wiping: Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the entire device, removing visible debris and moisture.
  3. Brush Cleaning: Utilize the small, soft brush provided with your hearing aids to clean microphone ports and other openings. Always brush away from the openings to avoid pushing debris further in.
  4. Wax Guard Check: If your device has a wax guard, check it daily and replace when clogged.
  5. Tubing Inspection: For behind-the-ear models, examine the tubing for moisture or debris. If you notice any issues, consult with Dr. Martinetti about proper cleaning techniques or replacement.

Weekly Deep Clean

In addition to daily care, set aside time each week for a more thorough cleaning:

  1. Dehumidifier Use: Place your hearing aids in a dehumidifier overnight once a week to remove accumulated moisture.
  2. Earmold Cleaning: For devices with removable earmolds, detach and clean them with mild soap and warm water. Ensure they're completely dry before reattaching.
  3. Battery Contact Care: Clean the battery contacts with a dry cotton swab to maintain a good electrical connection.
  4. Damage Inspection: Carefully examine all parts of your hearing aids for any signs of wear or damage.

At Port Jefferson Hearing, we're committed to helping you maintain your hearing aids for optimal performance. If you have any questions about hearing aid care or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team, led by Dr. Martinetti, is here to ensure you get the most out of your hearing aids and continue to enjoy the sounds of life.

Remember, proper maintenance is key to preserving your hearing aid's performance and longevity. Schedule regular check-ups with us to ensure your devices are always functioning at their best.

Moisture Management

Moisture is one of the biggest threats to hearing aids. Here's how to keep your devices dry:

  1. Avoid Water Exposure: Remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming, or engaging in water activities.
  2. Use an Umbrella or Hat: Protect your hearing aids from rain when outdoors.
  3. Dry Your Hair First: If you use a hair dryer, make sure your hair is dry before putting your hearing aids back in.
  4. Use a Dehumidifier: Invest in a hearing aid dehumidifier for nightly use, especially if you live in a humid climate.
  5. Open the Battery Door: When not in use, open the battery door to allow air circulation and prevent moisture buildup.

At Port Jefferson Hearing, we offer various dehumidifying options, including the Dry and Store system, which can significantly prolong the life of your hearing aids by effectively managing moisture.

Battery Care

Proper battery management is crucial for consistent performance:

  1. Clean Hands: Always wash and dry your hands before handling batteries to avoid transferring oils or moisture.
  2. Store Properly: Keep spare batteries in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator.
  3. Use the Right Size: Always use the correct battery size for your specific hearing aid model.
  4. Remove When Not in Use: If you won't be using your hearing aids for an extended period, remove the batteries to prevent corrosion.
  5. Dispose Safely: Recycle used batteries properly; never throw them in the regular trash.

For rechargeable hearing aids, follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging. Typically, it's best to charge them every night, even if the battery isn't fully depleted.

Handling with Care

Proper handling can prevent many common issues:

  1. Work Over a Soft Surface: When changing batteries or cleaning your hearing aids, do so over a soft towel or padded surface to prevent damage if you drop them.
  2. Avoid Heat: Keep your hearing aids away from heat sources like radiators, hair dryers, or car dashboards.
  3. Remove Carefully: Always remove your hearing aids before applying hair products, makeup, or facial lotions.
  4. Store Safely: When not in use, store your hearing aids in their case, away from pets or small children.

Regular Professional Check-ups

While daily maintenance is crucial, professional care is equally important:

  1. Schedule Regular Appointments: Visit your audiologist at Port Jefferson Hearing every 4-6 months for a thorough cleaning and check-up.
  2. Professional Cleaning: Our audiologists have specialized tools to clean areas you can't reach at home.
  3. Performance Checks: We can test your hearing aids to ensure they're still programmed correctly for your hearing needs.
  4. Repairs and Adjustments: If any parts need repair or replacement, we can take care of it during your visit.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with proper care, you may occasionally encounter issues. Here are some common problems and quick fixes:

  1. No Sound
    • Check if the battery is inserted correctly
    • Ensure the volume is turned up
    • Look for wax buildup in the sound outlet
  2. Whistling or Feedback
    • Check for proper fit; the earmold may need adjusting
    • Look for cracks in the tubing
    • Clean any wax buildup
  3. Distorted Sound
    • Replace the battery
    • Clean the microphone and sound outlet
    • Check for moisture; use a dehumidifier if necessary
  4. Intermittent Sound
    • Check battery contacts for corrosion
    • Look for loose connections in the tubing or earmold

If these quick fixes don't resolve the issue, it's best to bring your hearing aids to us at Port Jefferson Hearing for professional assessment and repair.

Adapting Your Care Routine to Different Hearing Aid Styles

Different styles of hearing aids may require slightly different care routines:

  1. Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Models:some text
    • Pay extra attention to cleaning the tubing and earmold
    • Check regularly for moisture in the tubing
  2. Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) Models:some text
    • Clean the receiver regularly, as it's more exposed to earwax
    • Check and replace the wax guard frequently
  3. In-the-Ear (ITE) Models:some text
    • Be particularly vigilant about wax buildup in the sound outlet
    • Clean the vent carefully to ensure it remains clear
  4. Completely-in-Canal (CIC) Models:some text
    • Due to their position deep in the ear canal, these models require more frequent cleaning
    • Pay special attention to removing earwax from all openings

At Port Jefferson Hearing, we offer a range of hearing aid styles from top manufacturers like Signia and ReSound. Dr. John Martinetti can guide you on the specific care requirements for your chosen model.

Seasonal Considerations

Your hearing aid care routine may need to adapt to different seasons:

  1. Summer
    • Be extra vigilant about moisture from sweat
    • Use a sweatband when exercising
    • Consider using a dehumidifier more frequently
  2. Winter
    • Be cautious when moving between cold outdoors and warm indoors to prevent condensation
    • Remove hearing aids before using hand warmers or sitting close to a fire
  3. Spring/Fall
    • Be aware of increased pollen and dust; clean your hearing aids more frequently
    • Check the microphone openings regularly for debris

Traveling with Your Hearing Aids

At Port Jefferson Hearing, we understand that many of our patients lead active lives and enjoy traveling. Dr. Martinetti offers these essential tips for traveling with your hearing aids: Always pack the essentials, including extra batteries, cleaning tools, and a portable dehumidifier. When flying, keep your hearing aids and supplies in your carry-on luggage to ensure they're always accessible and protected. If you're crossing time zones, remember to adjust your cleaning and battery changing routines to maintain consistent care. For air travel, Dr. Martinetti advises swallowing or yawning during takeoff and landing to equalize pressure in your ears, which can help prevent discomfort and maintain optimal hearing aid performance. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your hearing aids continue to serve you well, no matter where your travels take you.

The Role of Professional Care

While daily maintenance is crucial, nothing replaces the expert care provided at Port Jefferson Hearing. Dr. John Martinetti and our team offer comprehensive professional services to keep your hearing aids in top condition. We perform deep cleaning using specialized tools and techniques to address hard-to-reach areas that home maintenance can't cover. Our thorough performance checks verify that your devices are functioning optimally, and we make precise adjustments to ensure you're getting the best possible hearing experience. If any mechanical issues arise, we address them promptly with our repair services. Beyond technical care, we provide ongoing counseling and personalized advice on maintenance, tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle. At Port Jefferson Hearing, we're committed to not just selling hearing aids, but to supporting you throughout your hearing journey with expert care and guidance.

A Small Investment for Long-Term Benefits

Proper maintenance of your hearing aids is a small investment of time that yields significant long-term benefits. By following these tips and establishing a regular care routine, you can ensure that your hearing aids continue to provide optimal performance, prolonging their lifespan and maximizing your hearing experience. At Port Jefferson Hearing, we're committed to supporting you throughout your hearing journey. From initial fitting to ongoing maintenance and care, Dr. John Martinetti and our team are here to ensure you get the most out of your hearing aids. If you have any questions about hearing aid maintenance or would like to schedule a professional cleaning and check-up, don't hesitate to contact us. Your hearing health is our priority, and we're here to help you maintain it for life.

Written by
Reviewed by
Dr. John Martinetti
Au.D. FAAA, CCC, Director

John Martinetti graduated with the Highest of Honors: “Suma Cum Laude” from C. W. Post, Long Island University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Speech and Hearing In 1976. He has earned two Masters Degrees: Speech-Language Pathology in 1978 and Audiology in 1983.

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