Custom Hearing Protection
Your hearing is valuable. Protect it! Hearing loss from noise exposure is preventable.
About the service
Custom Fit Hearing And Ear Protection Earplugs
Your hearing is valuable. Protect it! Hearing loss from noise exposure is preventable. Approximately 36 million Americans have hearing loss and 33% is related to noise exposure. We perform in-house hearing tests to diagnose a noise induced hearing loss. Dr. Martinetti, Board Certified Audiologist, will then prescribe the best custom hearing protection device that fits your individual needs.
Our Hearing Protection Products & Services
- Custom Fit Musicians Ear Plugs – 9, 15, or 25 dB Filters
- Industrial Noise Protection Solutions
- Hunters Electronic and Passive Noise Canceling Devices
- Motorcycle Hearing Protection
- Custom Headphones
- Custom Ear Buds for all types of earbuds and audio players
- Wireless Music Related Products
- Floating Swimming Ear Molds – Custom Molded in all Colors
- Comfortable Molded Earplugs for Snorers (or their spouses!)
- 30 Years Experience Taking Ear Impressions
- Authorized Dealer for Top Manufactures like Westone and Microsonic
Hearing Protection Tips
For Music Lovers
- Keep the volume comfortable and never higher than 50% volume
- Limit your listening time
- If others can hear your music while you listen thru your ear buds: Your Volume is Dangerously High!
For Recreational Firearms
- Always wear custom hearing protection and electronic earmuffs
- Choose a lower caliber when target shooting
- When hunting use an electronic hunting hearing protection device
Port Jefferson Hearing uses a 3D Ear Scanner
Benefits of a 3D Ear Scanner
- Fine adjustments can be made to the digital scan for improved fit/comfort
- Digital scanned impression is stored in patient chart for future replacement hearing protection plugs or custom hearing aids/earmolds
- Digital custom scanned earmold is sent to manufacturer for faster service
High Risk Groups for Noise Induced Hearing Loss
- Workers in continous noise greater than 85dB SPL
- Heavy equipment construction workers
- Receational Firearms: Range and Hunting
- Musicians and Rock Concert Attendees
- Excessive use of Media devices at loud levels
- Motorcycle Enthusiasts
- Dentists
Noise Thermometer

Other Services
Hearing Aid Trials With No Financial Obligation
At Port Jefferson Hearing we believe the only way to know which hearing aid is right for you is to experience the benefits in your day-to-day life. That is why we created a hassle-free, no pressure process that truly puts you in the drivers seat.