Hearing Aids

Learn about the hearing aids we offer, the selection process, our test drive program and our best practice fitting protocols.

Hearing Aid System Decisions

Factors that Influence the Hearing Aid System Decisions:

Physical Abilities - Can the hearing impaired patient be independent with the use, care, and maintenance of the hearing aid? Is the patient able to change batteries or are rechargeable hearing aids better?

Lifestyle - What is important to the hearing impaired patient?

  • TV
  • Bridge
  • Sports
  • Meetings
  • Ability to communicate on the phone
  • Going out to noisy restaurants
  • Listening to music
  • Movies, theater, opera, concerts
  • Hearing aid size

Budget - We have a wide range of options from leading manufacturers. We will recommend hearing aids and accessories for the patient and provide a live demonstration that will include:

  • Quiet Background and Background Noise
  • TV
  • Music
  • Telephone

Hearing Aid Brands

Port Jefferson Hearing is an authorized dealer for three major hearing aid manufacturers Oticon, GN ReSound, and Signia (previously Siemens). These companies offer the very best innovative hearing aid technologies. 

Dr. Martinetti, is a Board Certified Audiologist and he will assist in selecting which hearing aid brand will be best suited for each patient’s unique lifestyle hearing needs.

Hearing Test Drive

Dr. Martinetti believes that patients should “Test Drive” hearing aids at home, work, and play. There is absolutely no financial obligation -try before you buy. Both ReSound and Signia hearing aids are highly customizable and therefore provide the patient with a wide range of options when “test driving” their hearing aids.

Read More About The Test Drive

Hearing Aids

Learn about the different types of hearing aids available at Port Jefferson Hearing.

ReSound Vivia Hearing Aids

ReSound Vivia: Advanced AI-powered hearing aids delivering natural sound clarity and seamless connectivity for daily conversations

Oticon Intent Hearing Aids

Oticon Intent: 4D sensor technology reads your movements and adapts sound based on your listening needs.

Signia IX Hearing Aids

Signia IX: Advanced speech processing and RealTime Conversation tech give you clear group conversations with less background noise

Hearing Aid Payment Options

Insurance options and payment plans.

Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Port Jefferson Hearing offers a variety of advanced rechargeable hearing aid battery systems.

Earbud Hearing Aids

Come see the first-of-its-kind Bluetooth hearing aids that look like cool earbuds!

Hearing Aid Trials With No Financial Obligation

At Port Jefferson Hearing we believe the only way to know which hearing aid is right for you is to experience the benefits in your day-to-day life. That is why we created a hassle-free, no pressure process that truly puts you in the drivers seat.